Thursday, September 28, 2006

The sky has been grey for the last week, apparently the sun that shone for weeks when we arrived here, has been banished to another place. Another place where it may not be 10degrees in the morning and 3 degrees bymid-afternoon. This a strange place.

Rosemary Kennedy, apologies, we shall make it back to you.

The movie "Safe" completely slipped past my radar until now. See it. (ala, american psycho, edward scissor...,stephen shore's photography).

Peeing. The realization that you may be sitting in an area of the space and place you live, and notice that you can very distinctly hear: the sound of heavy male foot steps, the kind one might associate with a fire-fighter or any sort of heavy boot wearing professional. Hark, silence, the footsteps have come to a halt and for once your tea may sit idely on the table next to the computer. But wait, the story does not end here. The piercing shriek of unlubricated plastic components is next to make its mark on the canvas of sound being illuminated. The pierce is ended with a subtle knock, the plastic and porcelain have at once made contact. These noises like notes that of the first movement of symphony 'number one.' The creshendo. The finalle. ce tu. no. ...the audio component is something of a marvel. Acoustically engineered to ensure the enhancement of anyone's morning tea. The dual reverberation of liquid in motion, In Stereo. From your cup to you lips. From.... to the cieling so perfectly above your head.
What are you listening to these days?

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